Sunday, February 15, 2015

Grant 9 months

Since my last blog about Grant when he was 6 months old he has mastered sitting.  He lunges for objects while sitting or being held.  He would love to crawl but can’t quite figure it out yet.  Grant currently enjoys getting into all the drawers and cabinets, even just a 30 minute session of opening and closing is fun for him. 

  When not sitting and tasting every toy he can get his hands on, Grant loves to fly around in his walker.  Since our entire house is almost all tiles he can get where he wants to go and fast.  Grant will follow the sound of your voice and come towards you in his walker and even venture into empty rooms to see what he can find.  

We just had baby gates installed as our back doors are open all day, I did not want Grant launching himself off the steps.  It still amazes me that you can get custom iron gates made for you home cheaper than you can guy plastic gates. 

Grant is also a lover of food, any kind , any time and as much as he can handle.  He has developed GERD and would throw up his lunch almost immediately after eating so we have tried portion control a bit along with medicine and that has solved the problem.  Grant thinks he needs to eat whatever I am eating and since he is kid #2 in the family he has gotten to try a few new foods way before Adalyn even knew they existed at that age.  3 meals and a snack seem to fill him up along with lots of milk.  

Grant is a high achiever at eating and sleeping.  Currently we are shifting to dropping the third short nap for just two naps.  Grant is sleeping 11-12 hours at night and wakes up with a huge smile on his face.   Weighing in at 20 pounds 4 ounces and 27.5 inches long, he is in 9 month clothes and we have nicknamed him Chubbs or if you ask Adalyn it’s Chubber Wubber.

Grant does not like to have his clothes changed or when an object is taken away from him.  Since he has 8 teeth I have introduced him to a toothbrush but he could care less, not even wanting to chew on it.  He loves to stand and pull himself up to see the world around him. 

 Grant is quite in love with Adalyn and I can occasionally catch her practicing 
her 1st born skills of bossing him around.  

 He loves to go on walks and play in the pool.  It's so hot this summer that he often "swims" naked.   

 Grant is quite the happy baby with a smile on his face and carrying a toy around at all times.  He is a joyful addition to our family and such a sweet little boy.