Thursday, February 25, 2016

Making the most out of what you have

I have learned numerous lessons from Joyce, the woman working in our home, but she always surprises me with how resourceful she is.  When I went to visit her home a few months ago I started asking about the other homes on her property.  I had always seen them but figured they belonged to someone else.  Turns out Joyce and her husband built 2 homes about 8 years ago which are comprised of one room each about 10ft x 10ft, on their own property to make extra money.  With such tight quarters I was surprised to see that they would use their available land to build on.

The white house on the left is rented by a family of 6, the one on the right in black is used as a shed. 
Both of theses homes are rented out, one to two brothers and the other to a family of 6.  The renters cook on hot plates and use an electric kettle to heat water for their baths.  There is electricity but no indoor plumbing so they get water from Joyce's tap and use an outhouse that Joyce and her husband built on the property.  Each home is rented for R600 or about $50 with the current exchange rate.

The white house on the left is rented by 2 brothers, the brick one in the back houses her son and nephews.  The corner of Joyce's house is seen in the picture on the right. 

There is an outhouse with a working toilet behind the grape vines.  
I often think that Joyce's living conditions are humbling but compared to what these two families can afford Joyce is doing quite well.

For about a year I had been seeing a swing set and trampoline on Joyce's property.  At first I was very judgmental and thought to myself, "why in the world would she buy these items when there are basic needs such as beds and food that her family is struggling with".  Of course my ideal of struggling is very different to hers as she says they have enough.  Finally one day I asked her about the swing set and trampoline and she said she bought them so her children would be safe.  I inquired further and she said that if there are toys for the kids to play with at home and in the garden then they will not wonder around the neighborhood where it is dangerous.

Joyce's daughter and 2 neighborhood girls enjoying the trampoline.
She says neighborhood kids are over all day everyday and everyone is surprised she would buy such expensive items for her kids.  Joyce says she explained to her neighbors that she noticed how many toys we have for Adalyn and Grant and how they are entertained so she thought the same would work for her kids.  I felt bad for never noticing that there were not any toys in her house, it is amazing what you don't notice when you are not looking for specific things.  I also felt bad for judging her spending decision when there is obviously a bigger reason such as safety than I originally thought.

Always a lesson to be learned when spending time with Joyce.