Lego ham and cheese sandwiches, and whatever else Pinterest and I could come up with for the theme was eaten.
For another year I made Grant's cake.
I figured a Lego cake would be pretty simple but had a hard time trying to get it to look right. It was fun to watch the kids gather around Grant as he stared down his cake, no blowing out the candles, but there is hope he catches on next year.
After the kids enjoyed the cake we brought out the pinatas I made. One for the little kids filled with Duplo Legos and another one for the old kids with candy. Some kids had never seen a pinata before but had no problem figuring out to rush in for the goodies once they dropped. Each kid took home a bucket full of goodies and next Grant opened his gifts after the party ended and a good nap was taken.
Ripping presents open was no problem and Grant went right to playing with all his new toys. Adalyn enjoyed the new toys too and said it was "the best party ever!".
It is hard to believe Grant is 2 years old now. Some days he still looks like a baby and others he seems older than 2. He loves building, books, planes, trains, cars, puzzles, coloring, painting and helping me in the kitchen. When he's not playing with toys, he is puttering around the lawn, finding something to climb on and jumping in the trampoline. Grant is an adventurous little guy, not afraid of anything and wants to be doing whatever Adalyn is up to. He loves to give "high fives", snuggle before bed, pick out his own clothes and to be tickled. I am excited to see what the next year has in store for my little man who will be a big brother in a few months!
Two days after his birthday Grant celebrated at school with his friends. They all enjoyed donuts and juice while singing Happy Birthday to Grant in English and Afrikaans. I was glad to get a video of it as it may be the only time anyone sings Happy Birthday to him in Afrikaans. He enjoyed wearing his birthday crown and sitting at the head of the table. I am thankful we found a nice pre-school for him.