Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Until next time America, it's been great

3 days left until we move to Africa and it is finally becoming real.  We have had 3 months to plan but it never felt like our move date was actually going to get here until we started selling our cars, shutting off our phones and spending down our loose change.  I have lived in America for 30 years and it has been a great relationship.  I appreciate the time I had living on the farm outside of Tarkio, MO, for 4 years, then growing up in Maryville, MO, for 13 years made for an amazing childhood.  Off to Columbia, MO, for 7 years of undergrad and grad school which changed my life, but the last 6 years in Kansas City, MO, has been the most special as this is where I was able to really start my life.
Mark and I were married here, bought our first home and rental home, established friendships and continued others all while being close to family.  Of course the most life changing was the addition of Adalyn to our family in 2010.  Our lives have never been the same since she moved into our hearts.  We have learned even more about KC since having a child opens up and whole new set of experiences for you.  Here are a few of my favorite KC places:
For the kiddos:
1.Lego Land (we bought a year pass and it was well worth the $50 to go an unlimited amount of times, especially during the cold winter months)
2. Deanna Rose Farmstead (where else can you meet and greet an assortment of animals for an entire day all for free)
3. Crown Center (from trains to exhibits and eating at Fritz this place has plenty to offer both new and old)
4. Loose Park (we have enjoyed many an afternoons feeding the geese, enjoying the spray park and walking the trails)
5. North Kansas City Dagg Park Pool (free pool for everyone and the kids have to be 3 feet and under to get in so there is no worry about getting knocked down by the older ones.  Plus the water is only a few feet so it is a perfect place to discover in the hot summer months)

Of course I have my favorites too but my attachment is not as embedded as what I have experienced with Adalyn.  It has been nice to visit all our favorite places before we left and we look forward to stopping by again during one of our many trips home.  America is the only continent I have called home for the last 30 years and I am grateful for what she offers and has provided for me and my family.  It is a deep rooted love but I look forward to sharing some love in Africa too.

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