Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Trip to Cape Town, Part 2

We stayed in Cape Town for a total of 5 days and tried to fit in as much as possible.  On our third day there, the weather channel stated it would be 101 degrees so I thought a day at the beach would be the perfect way to cool off.  We headed off that morning to Boulders Beach as it is the home of a penguin colony.  After paying a small fee to enter the beach area I was quite surprised by how small the beach was, until I noticed everyone climbing over and under boulders to get farther down the beach.

Mark gathered all our bags and towels and we climbed through the maze of boulders to get a little more up close and personal with the penguins.  I was amazed at how close they would let you get to them before they started giving you the signs to back off.  Adalyn did not seem to know what theses signs meant and tried to pet them every time.
You never knew around each rock if you were going to find a penguin or two just hanging out or when you would be swimming one might just swim right past you.  It was fascinating to see them be so comfortable with humans in their area.  

After a morning of swimming and playing in the sand we headed back up the coast to Cape Town for some "real" ice cream (Africa produces lots of ice cream that is not made with cream at all but vegetable fat) at the VA Waterfront.  It was a nice marina area with lots of boats, souvenir shops, and restaurants.  After getting our fill of ice cream we strolled along taking in the sights and sounds of the lively tourist spot.

The next day we traveled down the coast again to Hout Bay to hop on a boat that would take us out to seal island to see the hundred of seals gathered there.  Except that the fog was very dense and the boat could not get close enough to the island this day so we were only able to take a nice boat ride then enjoy the seals around the harbor.  Adalyn did not seem to know what she was missing and it made for a cool morning for a change.

With another seafood meal for lunch we hopped back in the car and went to St. James Beach.  Known for it's tide pools and colorful beach huts we were looking forward to a relaxing afternoon.
 Adalyn loved collecting sea shells and seeing the little fish and crabs in the water.  
You could walk out pretty far on the rocks and it felt as if you had the ocean and beach all to yourself.  With the waves crashing on the rocks you could not hear the others at the beach and it was serenity at it's best.  St. James Beach was by far my favorite part of our trip for it's beauty, relaxation and fun family time together.

Cape Town made for a perfect long weekend getaway for our family of three before we are a family of four in a few months. I look forward to going back again to visit the winery's and even more attractions as there seems to be no end to what this part of the country offers.


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