Thursday, March 27, 2014

Our little African fish

Prior to our arrival in South Africa we enrolled Adalyn in swim lessons as she has no fear of water and I figured we would have a pool at our house, so I thought lessons were in order.  We attended an 4 week session where we went two times per week to a local community center in KC for group lessons.  Adalyn enjoyed the experience, but I did not think the instructors were very thorough nor paid good attention.  Mark or I would be in the pool with Adalyn and of course she did not want to follow our instruction the entire 45 minutes.  We left the states with little faith in her new swimming abilities and hoped to find something better in South Africa.

Two months after moving here, we enrolled Adalyn in swim lessons and she took off.  I was skeptical that the 20 minute swim lesson that she would share with another 3 year old and an instructor would accomplish much in that time frame, but I have been proven wrong.  Once a week we venture about 10 minutes down the highway to an indoor heated pool that has graduated levels in the pool to help teach different aspects.  Adalyn jumped right in and of course listens much better to her instructor than her parents.

Adalyn also loves swimming with her friend, Mika, who does not speak any English but that does not hinder their playing.  I was not knowledgeable in what Adalyn should be learning, other than how to swim, but the instructor's ability to teach her new aspects each week amazes me.  She has learned to float by herself on her back, then turn over and swim, and turn back over and float.  She knows how to properly get out of the pool by herself and also how to get to the edge if she falls in.  Adalyn will dive 3 feet below to get objects, no goggles needed, and can swim unassisted for about 6 feet.  She has learned how to breath properly, something I still can't seem to figure out for myself.  Her instructor has just started showing Adalyn how to dive into the pool and it's too cute.

In a 20 minute time frame, they get a lot accomplished, Adalyn has fun and I am very pleased with her progress.  Now if I can just get her to do all the same learning aspects at home instead of wanting us to carry her around the pool.  She still does not have a fear of water, and it scares me that she knows how to take off our pool net all by herself, so a pool alarm is in our future.  I greatly enjoy watching her at lessons and it is nice how comfortable she is in the water.

I attempted to upload 2 videos but between my iphone and the blogging site, they won't go through so you can just picture my African fish in your head.

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