Thursday, December 4, 2014

Adalyn 1st year of school

Adalyn with her friends Sumin and Nosa at their gymnastic performance.
Wednesday was the last day of school for Adalyn this year.  Since her school term runs January to December, she has finished grade Triple Naught (000) and will be moving onto grade Double Naught (00) in mid-January.  It has been a fantastic year for Adalyn who really blossomed socially and enjoyed everything Tyger Valley has to offer.

Last week Adalyn had a ballet recital and it was precious.  I don't care if she pranced around, twirled or curtised, just seeing all those ballerinas dressed up was enough for me.  Adalyn really enjoyed ballet and would show off her new skills at home. 

 During their final “performance” of the recital the song they danced to had lyrics and being the music lover she is, Adalyn sang along with the chorus despite her teacher’s instruction not too.  I got a little giggle out of watching her do it and I am glad she will continue to enjoy ballet next year.

Two weeks ago Adalyn’s class showed off their gymnastic moves to the parents.  It was fun to watch them all maneuver the obstacles, roll in a ball, hang from the bars and jump through the air.  

I do think that the gymnastics she took in the US was much more advanced, but she loves it just the same.  Adalyn made sure to go through the line of obstacles with her best friend from class, Eleni.

Tennis is now finished though they did not have an opportunity to show what they have learned to the parents.  Mrs. Nunan did tell me that Adalyn can hit a tennis ball coming at her with the racket now and that Adalyn is quite proud of herself.  Mark may now try to get Adalyn to hit a few balls with him since when he tries to help her with golf, she just rides the club like a horse.

The entire school had a music concert a few months back.  The theme was Holidays Around the World and Adalyn’s class had Dubai.  She dressed up like a little lady going shopping with her purse, jewelry and some lipstick on.  Adalyn was quite shy coming on stage with her class and although she refused to sing, she did at least stand there.  If you get her at home and turn on her “Frozen” cd, you would never guess she is shy as she belts that right out .   

The friendships Adalyn has made this year are quite sweet.   She now asks if her friends can come over to play and Adalyn will tell me if her friends are sick or on a trip. 

Adalyn misses them when they are gone and always wants to share her lunch or a new gift she has received with them.  I love that Adalyn has made friends with other kids from around the world.

  Adalyn's current best girlfriends at school are Sumin from South Korea, Nosa from Nigeria and Eleni from Romania (pictured in that order above).  Of course she pretty much sticks to playing with the girls at school, probably because most of her friends outside of school are boys. 

Adalyn being in school and getting invited to all of the other kid’s birthday parties has given me the opportunity to meet the parents and know all the other classmates better.  I will miss seeing them all in her class next year but happy that a few of her good friends will have her same teacher next year.

Adalyn with her friends Eleni, Gemma and Mrs. Nunan

 Adalyn was blessed to have Mrs. Nunan this year, she is lovely, caring and creative with the kids.  We could not have asked for a better teacher and will miss her next year.
Adalyn has learned way more than I expected and loves all the fun times with her new friends so we are pleased with Tyger Valley and looking forward to another year there.

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