Thursday, April 2, 2015

Hartbeespoort with Friends

Last weekend we traveled 1 hour to Hartbeespoort to stay at a Bed and Breakfast with 3 other families.  With 8 adults and 8 kids in tow, we knew it would be a crazy, and probably a loud weekend.  We had plenty of room to stretch out as we rented the entire guesthouse.  I am not sure the staff was ready for that kind of craziness but they did a fantastic job putting up with us.

View from the main balcony

On Friday night we had a Braai and after trying to get the kids to sleep which was a chore since they were so excited to spend the weekend with each other, the adults were able to enjoy dinner and hang out together.  My first time playing Cards of Humanity and I now know my friends even better, maybe a little too well, but it was fun.

Saturday morning the guys headed off to play a round of golf while the kids played outside, enjoyed the pool (the adults thought the water was freezing but kids don't care).  After lunch the girls went to the spa, enjoying a few hours of massages, wraps, pool time and drinks.  That afternoon we took the kids to the Snake and Animal park to explore and take a boat ride.

Saturday night we enjoyed a pizza dinner and marshmallow roasting followed by another round of Cards of Humanity.

My favorite part of the weekend was not anything we were able to go do but just spending time with the wonderful friends we have.  I loved seeing Adalyn with all her boys, playing together non stop for hours with a huge smile on her face.  I am so appreciative of the time we were able to have with friends who have been like family to us.  It is sad to think we will all move away from each other eventually but glad to have these memories to hold onto.

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