Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Mid Year Review-Adalyn Grade 00

In January Adalyn started her 00 (double naught) school year at Tyger Valley College.  Grade 00 is for those kids who will turn 5 years old in 2015.  This is Adalyn’s second year at Tyger Valley and we still love it.  Adalyn has several kids from her 000 class in her 00 class so it was an easy transition.  Plus Adalyn has an amazing teacher, Mrs. Molver who is super energetic, creative, loving and we could not have asked for a better teacher.  We loved her teacher, Mrs. Nunan from last year and just as thrilled to get another great teacher this year.  Adalyn can be quite sensitive and shy so it is nice to have a teacher who understands those traits and helps Adalyn come out of her shell while being sensitive to her needs at the same time.

This year in school Adalyn does ballet, gymnastics, tennis, music class, math club and the new addition of drama class.  We thought it would be good to put her in drama class as during every school performance she is super shy, won’t sing or say the words and often hides behind other kids.  After a semester (Tyger Valley has trimesters) we did not feel like she was gaining much in our area of concern so we opted to try modern dance class instead.  She was so excited to do modern dancing and I figured maybe her shyness will eventually fade as both Mark and I had this trait when we were young.

Special events this year she has participated in were the Grandparent’s day complete with a fashion show and song, pajama day, winter glove drive, and up this weekend is an Olympics event.  Each month there is something to celebrate and participate in.  We are all very happy with Tyger Valley, Mrs. Molver the curriculum and events they have for the kids.   Adalyn has learned about all sorts of things from stalagmites to reptiles to the atmosphere and now writes her full name, numbers and letters quite well. 

Adalyn has made great friends this year who often come over for play dates outside of school.  Her best friend, Eleni, and Adalyn are even sharing their birthday party together this year.  It has been nice to connect with the other moms and grab coffee together during the week too.  I am very happy that we found such a wonderful place for Adalyn’s education.  It will be sad when we have to leave Tyger Valley one day.  

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