Wednesday, January 8, 2014

American Indulgences

Of course I was excited to come back to America to see family and friends but I was also looking forward to some American food.  Over my 4.5 weeks back I have managed to eat about everything I wanted plus some.  The food in Africa is not that different but there are definitely some types of cuisine or food items that they either don't have or it does not taste the same as it does in America.

In have indulged on Mexican, BBQ, properly cooked steak, sweet potatoes, roast turkey and ham, Pop Tarts, real ice cream, bagels, a variety of cereal, string cheese, Cheeze Its, Hot Pockets, sweet tea, diet caffeine free Pepsi, Velveeta, thick crust pizza, ranch dressing, and a variety of properly sweetened desserts.  I am sure my body was in full shock when I arrived and will take some time to get used to my African cuisine once I return in a few days, but it was all worth it.

I have also manged to pack a variety of items for myself and friends to go back to Africa so we can at least enjoy some American food a bit.  I have packed peach tea (a years supply in fact because I am addicted), 2 blocks of velveeta, 5 bags of chocolate chips, 4 cans of pumpkin, and hundreds of zip lock bags because all Africa carries are rejects from Ziplock at an outrageous price.  I also included aluminum foil and cling wrap because what I have found over there might as well have come from the dollar store.  For my friends I have picked up powdered Gatorade, Go Lean cereal, canned collard greens and black eyed peas, Good Seasonings salad dressing and a roll of Copenhangen (I am sure the check out gal thought I was buying for a minor the way I was unusre of what I was saying).  

I am looking forward to getting back to Africa in a few days but will miss the ability to go out and get whatever food I want.  I will not miss the price that comes with eating out in America, some steakhouses seem completely outrageous with my new African mindset on cost. It will be quite a while before we get back to America so I have some time to miss my favorite foods all over again.

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