Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Learning to golf, or at least act like I know what I'm doing

Going from a life of working part time, cleaning my own home, house projects and yard work to cutting out all of those upon moving to Africa, it was time to pick up a hobby.  Since we live on a golf course I figured that would be a good sport to learn and if I liked it I could do it for the rest of my life.  A few of my friends in Africa and I joined the women's clinic on Thursday mornings for an hour taught by one of the golf pros.  For a whopping $5 for an hour long session 2-6 of us get a lesson in how to play.  After 4 lessons using my friend's clubs I decided to get my own as I was really enjoying the game.

In October I tried my hand at 9 holes costing $11, and if I wanted to play 18 that would be just a dollar a hole.  My first game went well with 4 bogeys out of 9.  Of course every game after that has not gone as well, but I am determined to stick to it, even with a belly growing in the way.  At times it feels as though I am just playing one massive game of croquet but I try not to be embarrassed and carry on.  I have been able to play a game once a week so I am getting my practice in and some exercise if nothing else.  I have a cart to pull my clubs but may get a caddy someday as they are only $8 and I can use the extra advise.

Golfing with my friend Martha

It has been nice to go to the golf course on Sundays as a family to hit some balls on the driving range.  I bought Adalyn her own iron, though playing in the sand pit and taking the flags from the putting green is more amusing to her.  You can't beat a large bucket of balls for only $4 which provides an afternoon of entertainment.  Plus our friends and their kids also play, so it has been a nice activity to do as a group.

Adalyn says, "I'll be taking this flag". 

Mark of course, working 50 hours per week, only has time on the weekends to golf which is usually booked up with adventures to visit animals and the like.  He has been able to fit in private lessons on Sunday with the golf pro for an hour so at least he gets to work on his game.  I look forward to playing with him someday and figuring out how to tote the baby on the course so I don't miss out.  Might as well start #2 young.      

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