Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Leopard Lovin

During one of the several holidays this past May in South Africa we traveled to the Lory Park Zoo as we heard there were baby leopards you could play with.  Having pet and played with so many other animals, I was excited to knock this one off our list and have another great experience with the wildlife here.  About 30 minutes from our home, in what appeared to be the middle of nowhere again, is a small zoo with several animals.

The zoo had an array of birds, but also thrown in are crocodiles, tigers, lions, lizards, fish, black jaguars, and 3 adorable baby leopards.  I was not aware prior to arriving but the zoo does not allow pregnant women to play with the leopards.  Adalyn and Mark spent about 10 minutes cuddling them just like house cats and playing with them.

Guess we will have to go back another time so I can have the same experience.  I appreciated the zoo keeper taking pictures for us since I would have to shoot through the wire cage.

An African zoo is not complete unless there are bunnies to be fed and pet.  Adalyn has this activity down and the bunnies don't seem to see her coming.  She is not afraid to pick them right up, with their feet running as fast as they can to get away therefore she thinks she just needs to hold them tighter.
 But given that she had food to feed them, it was as if she was the Bunny Whisperer and they gathered around.

It was a nice morning activity, we will likely go back again as you can't pass up leopard cubs.
2 lions in the background

I thought this sign was funny on the back of the ladies bathroom stall.
  Never thought of it as a "performance" before. 

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