Thursday, November 20, 2014

Grant is 6 months

On November 15th, Grant turned 6 months old, though it feels like he has been in our family for years.  It is amazing how a tiny person can fill your family with so much love.

  I think it is Adalyn who Grant loves most.  Every morning she wants him sitting in his high chair right next to her chair while she eats breakfast.  She is even willing to pick up all of the toys he so diligently drops on the floor.  When we change her clothes for school, he has to come along and often she will have a mini school session with Grant right before we leave.

Recently Adalyn received the soundtrack to the movie "Frozen" and plays it non stop, singing and "helping" Grant dance.  I love to watch them interact, he is pretty infatuated with her and will laugh and smile at anything she does.  This of course encourages the strangest of behaviors from her but they have fun together so that is all that matters.

My mom also bought Grant a walker which he can't "walk" with yet but loves to sit in and play with the toys.  Adalyn loves to push him around the house and we have speed limits now as she can get pretty fast.

Grant is enjoying life just being chill.  He has decided that laying on his stomach is not as horrific as he once thought, though he will roll over immediately once there.  He can roll from his back to his stomach with a little resistance.  Adalyn loves to roll him like a log and help him reach any milestone.


We are working on sitting, he falls over pretty fast but in time will acquire that skill.  Grant is very laid back so I am not sure he is in a hurry to do anything, except growing teeth.

At 4 months and 6 days old, Grant sprouted his first teeth.  The bottom two came in together and with very minimal teething.  He loves to chew on a frozen wash cloth and this vibrating teether.  Grant has not drooled much so sometimes it is a shock when another tooth pops through as his 3rd and 4th one arrived yesterday to our surprise.  He sure enjoys eating with his new teeth and seems to be a bottomless pit.

I decided to make Grant's baby food and I have really enjoyed it.  Way easier than I expected and luckily he has enjoyed everything I have put in his mouth.  I have introduced Grant to the sippy cup and he mostly likes to chew on it.  I was hoping he would take a bottle so I would not have to worry if I needed to be gone for a feeding, but he has protested.  Can't say that I mind, it is nice to be wanted and I love my time with him.

Grant is a great sleeper getting in 2.5 hours in the morning, 2 hours in the afternoon and a short 30 minutes before dinner followed by sleeping 11 hours at night without waking.  Beyond thankful for sleep training.

Grant now weighs 18.3 pounds and is 27.5 inches long.  He is in 6-9 month clothing, mostly due to a long torso as he can still wear 3-6 month pants.

Grant has had his first cold and visited the doctor this past week.  He seems to like taking his medication way more than having his clothes changed.  Grant loves to take baths and would sit in the tub and wilt if we let him.

His hair is growing and has stayed a light blond.  Grant is super quick to put anything in his mouth and has a strong hold so Adalyn's hair has been put to the test.  

Mark, Adalyn and I are in love with this smiling boy and enjoying every minute with him.      

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