Monday, December 28, 2015

Another Christmas in South Africa

We decided not to go home to America this year again for Christmas but to spend it with our friends in South Africa instead.

Last year we celebrated a few times with friends and then had Joyce (the woman who works in our home) and her family over for a braai and an afternoon of swimming.  It was such a successful and heartwarming day last year that we decided to do it again but invite both of our gardeners and their families as well.

The Saturday before Christmas all three families plus our own celebrated over lunch and an afternoon of swimming.

It was nice to meet our gardener's families, though one gardener, Obit, was sick so he sent two of his nieces instead.

I made some of my favorite American food like fried chicken, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy and for dessert we had pumpkin pie.  I was relieved everyone enjoyed the food and then a few hours of swimming.

Before heading home I gave gifts to all the kids.  It was humbling to watch kids who never receive gifts open a few.

They weren't sure what to do with the paper and I had to encourage them to rip it off.  Last year, Joyce's 4 year old daughter did not realize she could keep the baby doll I gave her and tired to hand it back to me when they left.  I was glad the kids all realized they could keep the toys this year and the smiles on their faces was the best gift to us.  Our gardener Peter's wife said, "Thank you for being nice to us".  It was sweet yet sad at the same time.

We visited Santa just like in America except we never have to wait in line here, guess the big guy is not as popular.  He especially was not popular with our kids, neither would go near him so we took a picture from afar.  

The kids enjoyed making gingerbread cookies instead of iced sugar cookies like years past as I figured a 19 month old with access to sprinkles and icing would be a bit of a disaster.  


I really love our plant/Christmas tree.
Going to have to try and replicate it wherever we move to next. 

On Christmas Eve we celebrated at our friend Mara and Frank's house after the kids opened their first present, Christmas pajamas.  They had a wonderful dinner prepared and the kids enjoyed playing with each other.

Grant slept through the whole thing but hopefully next year he will be able to stay up a little later.  It was nice to enjoy our time without chasing around a 19 month old so I glad he got a good night's sleep.  Upon arriving home Adalyn set out the gingerbread cookies we had made for Santa and a few carrots for the reindeer.

Adalyn woke bright and early at 6am on Christmas morning bringing me the plate of half eaten cookies for Santa.  This year Adalyn requested a scooter and two cats for Christmas.  She lucked out with the scooter but the cats just didn't make it.  Adalyn said it was okay because she got a cat umbrella.

It was sweet to watch Adalyn help Grant with his gifts but he figured it out pretty quickly and had no problem ripping the paper to pieces.  

We enjoyed Christmas day home together playing with all the new toys and swimming.

Adalyn got a face painting set so Mark was her first client.  

I was quite surprised at how much Grant loves his tee ball set.  True American at heart. 

The day after Christmas we had friends over for dinner.
Everyone comes from a different country so we had food from around the world.  Germany, UK, India, South Africa, Australia and America were all represented and so was their food.


With so many great friends and reasons to get together it makes missing home not as bad.  I am sure when we move from South Africa we will miss parts of our Christmas celebrations here.

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