Friday, December 11, 2015

Building a home in South Africa

Joyce is the wonderful woman who works in our home Monday through Friday from 7-3.  Joyce does not live with us as she has a family of eight to care for at her own home.  When I first met Joyce I learned that this family of eight lives in a home that has one bathroom and an open kitchen and living room so there was not enough room for everyone.  I was giving Joyce extras each month like money and food, or household items to help out but I knew it would take a long time to really make an impact on her family.
I took this picture of Joyce's home the day we installed her hot water heater.

The two rooms Joyce built on for the 2 oldest boys.
You can see one room with a window
and the door of the other room next to it. 
After we installed her hot water heater last year, I knew we had to do something else while we were still in Africa to help with her home life.  Joyce's living room was sectioned off into two bedrooms using curtains and dressers.  Some of the children were sleeping on the floor on mats.  Joyce and her husband were able to save enough money to build on two additional concrete block bedrooms so two of the older boys would have their own place last year.

 Even with this addition Joyce and her husband did not have their own room.  There were 3 children sharing a double bed and one additional child sleeping on the floor.  I had talked with Joyce about what we can do so at least none of the kids were sleeping on the floor, but she said there was no room for a bed as his mat was put down nightly in the entry and taken up each morning.
The rooms are made of cinder blocks and mortar with a metal roof.
The two rooms added on are identical, each with a window. 

If Joyce needed more rooms then I figured we should help to build her a bigger home.  We gave Joyce a lump sum to cover all the materials for the building and she said her husband who was out of work would be able to build it himself.  He was able to work on the home off and on as he was lucky enough to find work at times.  Fourteen months after the building started the home addition was complete.  Two bedrooms were added to the back of the home and new doorways were constructed so you could enter those bedrooms from the new living room.  Electricity was run into each bedroom and Joyce started moving her family into those rooms.

Each room has their own door for added privacy and fits a double bed and wardrobe.

The rooms are built onto the back of the house and the back walls
 of each room are right up next to the exterior wall of their property.
It's hard to get good pictures with such tight quarters.
Now that the two rooms were built it was time to furnish them.  Furniture is quite expensive in this country, often paying more for a couch or bed than what you do in America.  I went furniture shopping but quickly learned that the amount I allotted was not going to go far.  I even went to a furniture pawn shop but still the prices were higher than I expected.  After speaking with Joyce who knew of a furniture store in downtown Pretoria, Grant, Joyce and I set out one morning to do some shopping.

It was quite an adventure at the furniture store as the area of town was very run down and I can't say I felt completely safe.  Usually there is a Car Guard everywhere you go but there were none at this location, probably because my car was the only one on the road which was completely jammed packed with taxi buses.  I hoped to find my car still in it's spot on our return.  The store had everything we needed and at amazing prices with great customer service (everyone loved seeing Grant too).  We were able to get all the items for the money we had only we ran into a problem with both of my credit cards were denied at the register.  I told the clerk it was likely due to the high crime area and my credit card companies were not going to let me make a purchase there.  I did not feel safe walking around in that area with a bunch of cash so I did not bring any and my cards were even denied at the ATM next door.

Joyce's room with her new bed and headboard.
Joyce's 5 year old daughter shares the bed with Joyce
and her husband until there is room to set up the bunk beds. 
I was bummed to leave the store and not purchase Joyce's furniture so we devised a plan that she would go back the following day, a Saturday, with all the cash and make the purchase.  Joyce picked out all the furniture herself, and I was impressed with her desire to keep a color scheme going.  She bought a couch, love seat, chair, coffee table, entertainment center, dining room table and 6 chairs, 3 full size beds with headboards, a wardrobe, and bunk beds.  Surprisingly the store would deliver all of this for only R350 ($35) that same day.  I might just have to change the location of where I shop as these deals were fantastic!
Joyce's oldest daughter's room with her new bed and headboard she shares with her 3 year old son.
The base of the bed touches the opposite wall making these rooms quite small but sufficient. 
Joyce's oldest daughter's new wardrobe. 

I wish I could have been there when the delivery truck pulled up at her home to see the smile on the family's faces but we were in Lesotho and had to miss out.  So I went a few weeks after we got back to snap a some photos of her new home.

Joyce's new living room furniture and table and chairs in the back.
 It's humbling to know that this is her first couch, and sweet
 to see that she has put blankets down to protect the seat cushions. 

Another view of the new living room that used to be two bedrooms separated by curtains and wardrobes.
They have an extra dining table for Sunday dinners but still need some chairs for it.

 I am so thankful that we were able to do this for Joyce but sadly there was not enough room for the 3rd full sized bed.  We were hoping it would fit in one of the older boy's bedrooms that is detached from the home but it was just too small of a room.  So for now it leans up against the wall but we have plans in the works for it.  Joyce also could not set up the bunk beds that her grandson and her 5 year old daughter were going to share as there is not enough space.  So we have a plan to build on another bedroom and expand the kitchen.  This will allow the bunk beds and the third bed to be set up so everyone can sleep and not be on the floor.  I keep telling Joyce that it is important for me to give everyone a bed though she states the kids don't mind sleeping on the floor as that is what they have always known.  I can't even put myself in her shoes or those of her family but I can be giving and there is always something I can do to help. 

We have been blessed to have such an amazing woman working in our home and helping to watch the kids so it was our pleasure to give her a hand up.  Joyce has never asked for money or items but instead is always giving of her love and time to our family.  She is so proud of her new furnishings and larger home, always telling me how she is showing it to neighbors and visitors.  I am glad that Joyce has a beautiful home that is almost big enough for her whole family.  My heart is filled with joy for her wonderful family though I still grapple with the feelings of not doing enough.  It is a balance I don't know if I will ever find.    

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