Thursday, May 23, 2013

Cross it off the list

The countdown has begun and there are 16 days until we move to Africa!!!  Mark has booked our flights, thank you to Black & Veatch for providing 3 first class tickets, and we are set to leave on June 8th.  We have never flown first class before so this will be quite the experience.  Adalyn's first international flight and she gets to go first class, sadly she won't get to do it often as coach is more my price range.
Anyways, so here I am getting us packed and moving things to storage when I realize all the little things that have to be done.  Like cancelling our phones, which Sprint has made difficult with sending them back our phones to get out of paying our cancellation fees in their special package complete with us faxing our one way flight info to prove we are not lying.
Then I need insurance for our storage unit in-case burglars hit as I have found that storage unit insurance does not cover any weather related damage.  But who sells storage insurance, I have yet to find anyone so it looks like the storage unit facility has the upper hand on that one.
I took my car to CarMax just to see what they would give me for my wonderful car which I picked out down to the last detail in 2009 only to get my hopes crushed of getting a fair offer.  Nope, they were well below what every internet site (Edmunds, NADA, etc.) said it was worth.  I doubt they will be as friendly with Mark's so it looks like my dad will take on the challenge after we leave.  I am thankful to have someone in the car business to help us out.
Went to fill my prescriptions for the last time and to check and see if I can get the scripts transferred to South Africa, but CVS states they don't do that and even if I saw a new doctor in SA, I could not bring the scripts back to the US to get filled.  So I have the wonderful pleasure of finding the same doctors in two countries to prescribe me the exact same scripts while hoping they get paid by international insurance....but who can really complain, after all I signed up for this adventure and this is just part of it.
The cats have been adopted, so glad to check that off the list, as I was worried one would be homeless.  Now we just need to find a home once we arrive.  Glad to have people on board to help with that process as the jet lag may get the best of me for a while.
16 days will be up before we know it, and I am sure there will be several last minute things to add to my list.

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