Saturday, May 18, 2013

Goodbye 1st Home

In March 2006, Mark bought our first home, as he was taking an assignment in Ohio and needed a home for his per-diem.  I was luckily enough to move in rent free in December of that year and put my personal touch on everything.  Mostly because Mark could care less about drapes and decor, but it was nice to start building our life while we were still dating.  Well here we are 7 years later moving out and getting it ready for tenants to move in.  Instead of selling we thought that we would rent it out as we have had experience with our rental properties downtown and given the market this was not the best time to sell.

I expected myself to be a little sad but given the level of excitement I have towards our new adventure, I don't feel sad.  I have wanted to moved for several years, either out of that house and close to the places we visit most, or to another part of the world to try something different.  I guess I got what I was looking for.  I will miss the catwalk, the proximity to highways, the small yard that did not take a lot of mowing time, bathrooms with high counters, laundry on the same floor as the bedrooms, the 2 story ceilings, the large windows, the fact that we got to pick out all the hard wear and colors (love hate relationship here, see below) and the open concept layout.  It was a great home for many reasons, but quite frankly we were ready to move on.
Love the open floor plan

First time home buying was a good experience and we have learned a lot. I now know not to pick a color for a house off of a 2x2 paint sample as I hated the color of our house inside and out the first time I saw it.  Even went as far as calling Mark in Ohio and telling him we have to pay someone to repaint the whole thing. Then there is the fridge that I insisted stuck out too far and made too much noise therefore we needed a new one, on top of the kitchen cabinets that had too unique of a stain for my taste.  At one point I was laying on the floor of our empty house crying and telling Mark we needed to sell the house and move.  Way over dramatic but what do you expect from a 22 year old.  Well the house colors did not change, the fridge stayed and the cabinets are one of my favorite things.  The saying, "you live, you learn" really came into play here.
Love my catwalk

I hope that our next home can provide some great memories and learning experiences as our last and one we can fall in love with all over again.

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