Monday, May 13, 2013

The Big Move Begins

So here we are, May has arrived and our big move to South Africa is coming up quick.  Just 2 months ago Mark got the offer to take a new position with Black & Veatch in the Pretoria office and we jumped on it.  Having always wanted to live overseas this was the perfect opportunity to test it out. 
In just one week we will say goodbye to living in our house, though will hang onto it as a rental.  Sell the cars, give away our cats, and pack what can fit into our suitcases to embark on this new adventure.  It's amazing how much "stuff" you can accumulate in 7 years in one house, but then again I am a pack rat.  I have never moved out of Missouri, let alone to another continent, but the planner in me is determined to be prepared.  After two fantastic farewell parties,
Country Club UMC 

Wessler Family

Walker Family

we are getting nerves can feel it as we really have no idea what we are in for, but we are excited!  I hope you will follow me on this journey as I will surely discover a different side of myself as I discover another side of the world.  

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