Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A slower pace of life

Life in South Africa has it's similarities to life in the US, but with one main difference, a slower pace of life.  Living in the US there was this underlying current of competition among moms. Whether it be centered on their kid's achievements, what homemade meal they prepared or even what outstanding Pinterest craft they made overnight.  And with Facebook everyone can boast their achievements in your face all day long.  Yes I am proud of what my family and friends can accomplish but there is always the need to one up each other.  Well a move to South Africa is definitely the cure for that.

As soon as we landed in South Africa it became quite apparent to me that life moves at a slower pace here and none of the locals seem to mind (or maybe it is just that they know no other way of life).  From the start we could see that dining out was about an experience and not just grabbing a quick meal with your family.  The waiters give you as much time as you like to linger over your meal and enjoy the ambiance, never giving you the bill without asking for it first.  All of which is great if you have the time, but honestly a simple lunch here takes about 2 hours and I am not eating multiple courses.  It does remind me to enjoy my food more and the company I am with so it is a change I have embraced.

In the US if you had a service company coming to your home you would normally be told a date and time frame and often enough you would get your needs met in that time.  Not here in South Africa where I have experienced that service companies show up whenever they please not caring that they gave you a date for when they would arrive.  I have come to realize there is no sense in complaining as that is just how things work in this country.  Whether it be a garden service or internet provider, despite being told, "I am coming now" it ends up being a week or more before they show.  I have learned to not bother sticking around the house, if they show great and if not, there is always another day.

Not all services in South Africa are slow and thankfully the I have experienced fast health care when it mattered.  I am sure when some issue is pressing the slow pace will get the best of me but overall I am enjoying this relaxed lifestyle.  There is less pressure on the kids at school and more focus on play, at least in the pre-school setting.  People seem to be friendlier, which I am guessing is from a happier lifestyle with less stress.  I am sure having full time help at home to do all your cleaning plus a gardener in a home where you rent so any needs are taken care of by the estate agent all help to eliminate stress.  I am going to have to convince Mark that since I have become used to this new lifestyle with help, we must keep it up when we move.  He probably has a different idea.

I have learned to be flexible and go with the flow and not feeling the need to compete with other moms is welcoming.  I often find myself shrugging my shoulders and reminding myself "this is Africa" and there is nothing I can do about it so I should stop trying to make it America.  For a Type A personality like mine this move seemed to be just what was needed.

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