Thursday, October 24, 2013

Missing my American food

When I think about what I miss most about America, it is family and friends of course, but next in line is food.  Sure Africa has a lot to offer and I can make most of my American recipes but they don't taste the same.  There are very few American brands and even when you find one, the product does not necessarily taste the same as back home.  For instance, Old El Paso taco sauce.  Mexican food is hard to come by here so when I make my own recipes I sometimes have to get creative.  I have yet to find a good taco sauce so have been spending the $3+ on the 4 ounce jar of Old El Paso and it still does not taste the same.  Finding good tortillas is a challenge as well.
One would think Italian food would be pretty clear cut here, but the pasta sauce just taste odd.  I am sure in different parts of the world they use different spices and I have not become accustomed to the pasta sauce just yet so we have steered clear of Italian for the most part.  Items such as fruits and vegetables taste the same to me, but the meat taste different.  Instead of calling it hamburger or ground beef, they call it mince meat and the texture is different.  I have been going through my cook books weekly and trying new recipes as some of my old ones just have not panned out.
But then there is baking which I love to do so have been trying a new dessert recipe every week.  The brown sugar here is a thicker texture of granules and more of a molasses taste but seems to work well.  There is no canned pumpkin so some of the great fall desserts I am seeing everyone pin on Pinterest is just going to have to wait until I am back in the states as I am not spending the time to cut up a pumpkin, boil/roast it and turn it into canned pumpkin.  Any dessert with Cool Whip is usually out for me unless I want to use the shake and squirt cans or make my own.
I am going to have to up my creativity and step out of my comfort zone otherwise cooking is going to become bland for the Snyders.  Luckily Mark will eat anything and since Adalyn eats fairly traditional African meals at school she is pretty game for anything.  No need to worry we are not going hungry, and eating out is always a good experience, but my good ole American food is surely missed.  We arrive in the US in 6 weeks and I think I may overindulge in Mexican, comfort food, Italian and pretty much anything I can get my hands on that I can't make in South Africa.

1 comment:

  1. Hi I have been reading your blog after finding it on the net. Watched your show on HHI and googled it. I am from SA, Afrikaans speaking and living near Cape Town. I see you miss the cool whip, but in SA you can use the brand Orley Whip, it is usually in the fridges with the fresh cream. Hope you still enjoy living in SA. Regards Annari
