Thursday, September 4, 2014

Fun turning 4!

This past Sunday, August 31st, Adalyn turned 4 years old.  To celebrate we rented a couple lanes at a local bowling alley and invited 10 of her friends to join in on the fun. 

We started the morning off with a couple arcade games after first getting her birthday hair cut.  
Super cute I must add. 

With bumpers up and a ball slide in position each kid took their turn rolling the balls.  At times, the slide had to go and then the kids threw with all their might adding some extra bangs and probably dents to the floors. 

The near by bumper cars were quite the attraction

It was quite comical to watch a bunch of 3-5 year olds bowl, sometimes they were not even sure which lane to bowl in and of course each was determined to pick up their own balls.  Thankfully the bowling alley had quite a few 3 pound balls for the kids and everyone could wear their own shoes. 

Once we were finished with bowling, in which Adalyn actually won with a 95

(I guess the bumpers did the trick, or maybe she should take up bowling as a hobby),
 the kids enjoyed pizza followed by cake. 

Having a sweet tooth and not being pleased with the desserts I have found so far in this country, I have been making Adalyn’s birthday cakes.  
I was happy with how her princess castle turned out and it even tasted good. 

Adalyn thought the “Happy Birthday” song was too loud and chose to cover her ears as we all sang. 
Next up it was time to open presents. 

Adalyn’s friends know her well as she now has a new assortment of Barbies, princesses, arts and craft supplies and books.  It was nice to see the other kids be excited for Adalyn to open her gifts.

After a couple hours of fun, most of which Grant slept right through in the arms of Nana, we headed home despite someone not wanting to leave just yet. 

  Adalyn enjoyed the afternoon playing with her new toys, then opened gifts from family and friends back home.

I think this year Adalyn has really understood her birthday, commenting several days leading up to it how many days away it was.  She has made some terrific friends that have celebrated her now second South African birthday. 

Celebrating Adalyn turning 4 is just another reminder of how fast your kids grow up and how quickly they turn into little people and not toddlers anymore.  The long conversations we now carry on and her perceptive nature make me realize that my little girl is developing into a big girl.  Adalyn loves all things girly and has a wild imagination that keeps her entertained, even on her own, for hours.  She is loving and tries to act like a mother to all other little kids.  She is very creative and loves all arts and crafts.  Playing “teacher” is one of her favorites, mostly because she gets to boss other around I think.   Adalyn is a great helper around the house and with Grant, and I am in awe of their bond.  She still has quite the sassy side and can get pretty stubborn if things are not just how she likes them, but we are working on those things. 

I asked my not so little 43lb and 41 inch girl what she wanted to be when she grows up and she replied, "a kid".  I hope she always stays a kid at heart.  Watching Adalyn turn 4 was a fun time and I am excited to see what the next year brings as she continues to grow. 

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to your little girl. My son is only going to be two this year, so we are going to have a party at our house like last year. I can't wait until he is old enough for us to take him places like the bowling alley or Chuck E Cheese for his parties.

    Angela Gibbs @ Med Care Pediatric
